Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar Fashion Week Zanzibar



Fashion Designers

Lamak (Hasiba Quettawalla)

Fashion designer Hasiba Quettawala was born in Zanzibar, is now settled in Pakistan, where she works from home. Her brand Lamak started out as a casual hobby which turned into a passion which then ended up being a full time business! Lamak is a home based clothing line, offering a range of different outfits. Exclusive orders are her specialty - She can stitch almost everything that can be stitched, but she also stocks ready made goods that are coming in throughout the year for you to pick up!

Fashion Week Zanzibar Models Fashion Week Zanzibar Models Fashion Week Zanzibar Models